Wright Products repair jamb bracket is ideal for door jambs that have been damaged, this jamb bracket works with all storm and screen door closers and contains a wider base that reaches out to "grab" undamaged wood.
Wright Products repair jamb bracket is ideal for door jambs that have been damaged, this jamb bracket works with all storm and screen door closers and contains a wider base that reaches out to "grab" undamaged wood.
Kit is designed to replace damaged door closer brackets. Kit Contains 1-Jamb bracket, 1-Door bracket, 4-Long screws, 4-short screws and 2-attachment pins. Door closer not included. Visual pack.
National Hardware V1352 Door Closer Part Kit, Steel, Zinc, Includes: (1) Jamb Bracket, (1) Door Bracket, (4) Long Screws, (4) Short Screws, (2) Attachment Pins
Internal spring for shock absorption. Provides 90 deg opening for outward swinging doors. Adjustable closing speed control valve. Permanent internal lubrication. Overall length 16-1/2 in. Load capacity of 65 lb.
Internal spring for shock absorption. Provides 90 deg opening for outward swinging doors. Adjustable closing speed control valve. Permanent internal lubrication. Overall length 16-1/2 in. Load capacity of 65 lb.
For lightweight storm doors and wood doors. Full 90 degree opening. Two hole end plug for summer or winter. Adjustable latching power and closing speed. Factory lubricated. Visual pack.
Wright Products most popular medium-duty storm and screen door closer is ideal for medium to lightweight out swinging doors. This closer offers a full 90 deg opening, is factory lubricated and contains an adjustable closing speed.
Internal spring for shock absorption. Provides 90 deg opening for outward swinging doors. Adjustable closing speed control valve. Permanent internal lubrication. Overall length 16-1/2 in. Load capacity of 65 lb.
Extra internal spring for shock absorption. Provides 90 deg opening for outward swinging doors. Adjustable closing speed control valve. Permanent internal lubrication. Overall length 17-1/2 in. Load capacity of 99 lb.
National Hardware V1333 Door Closer, 27-1/2 lb Weight, Opening Angle: 90 deg, Steel, Aluminum, 11-1/4 in L, Rod Diameter: 5/16 in, 1-1/4 in Dia, Suitable for: 2 in Thick Lightweight Doors
National Hardware V1333 Door Closer, 27-1/2 lb Weight, Opening Angle: 90 deg, Steel, Black, 11-1/4 in L, Rod Diameter: 5/16 in, 1-1/4 in Dia, Suitable for: 2 in Thick Lightweight Doors
National Hardware V1333 Door Closer, Opening Angle: 90 deg, Steel, White, 11-1/4 in L, Rod Diameter: 5/16 in, 1-1/4 in Dia, Suitable for: 2 in Thick Lightweight Doors
Extra internal spring for shock absorption. Provides 90 deg opening for outward swinging doors. Adjustable closing speed control valve. Permanent internal lubrication. Overall length 17-1/2 in. Load capacity of 99 lb.
Extra internal spring for shock absorption. Provides 90 deg opening for outward swinging doors. Adjustable closing speed control valve. Permanent internal lubrication. Overall length 17-1/2 in. Load capacity of 99 lb.
Automatic hold open feature. Visual pack.
Automatic hold open feature. Visual pack.
Wright Products most popular standard-duty closer. This closer can be mounted on all out swinging storm or screen doors either as a single closer for light or medium weight doors or paired with another standard-duty closer (one mounted at the top and the other at the bottom of your door) for heavier full view storm doors. This closer has a full 90 deg opening range, is factory lubricated and has an adjustable closing speed.
Wright Products most popular standard-duty closer. This closer can be mounted on all out swinging storm or screen doors either as a single close for light or medium weight doors or paired with another standard-duty closer (one mounted at the top and the other at the bottom of your door) for heavier full view storm doors. This closer has a full 90 deg opening range, is factory lubricated and has an adjustable closing speed.
Wright Products most popular standard-duty closer. This closer can be mounted on all out swinging storm or screen doors either as a single closer for light or medium weight doors or paired with another standard-duty closer (one mounted at the top and the other at the bottom of your door) for heavier full view storm doors. This closer has a full 90 deg opening range, is factory lubricated and has an adjustable closing speed.
Aluminum tube steel rod, steel jamb and steel door brackets. Designed for use on out swinging wood or metal doors up to 1-3/8 in thick. Door closing speed is fully adjustable. Two hole end plug allows closing force to be regulated. Includes convenient "hold-open" washer. Extended operating life as closer is permanently lubricated. Visual pack.
Aluminum tube steel rod, steel jamb and steel door brackets. Designed for use on out swinging wood or metal doors up to 1-3/8 in thick. Door closing speed is fully adjustable. Two hole end plug allows closing force to be regulated. Includes convenient "hold-open" washer. Extended operating life as closer is permanently lubricated. Visual pack.
National Hardware Door Closer, Steel, Aluminum, 13.87 in L
Wright Products most popular heavy-duty closer. This closer can be mounted on all out swinging medium to heavy weight storm doors, full view storm doors or security doors. Closer has a full 90 deg opening range, is factory lubricated and has an adjustable closing speed.
Wright Products most popular heavy-duty closer. This closer can be mounted on all out swinging medium to heavy weight storm doors, full view storm doors or security doors. Closer has a full 90 deg opening range, is factory lubricated and has an adjustable closing speed.
Wright Products most popular heavy-duty closer. This closer can be mounted on all out swinging medium to heavy weight storm doors, full view storm doors or security doors. Closer has a full 90 deg opening range, is factory lubricated and has an adjustable closing speed.
National Hardware V1337 Door Closer, Opening Angle: 90 deg, Steel, White, 11-1/8 in L, Rod Diameter: 5/16 in, 1-1/4 in Dia, Suitable for: 2 in Thick Lightweight Doors
Visual pack.