Replacement for kitchen faucet hose guide.
Replacement for kitchen sink spray.
Replacement for kitchen sink spray.
Streamline, ergonomic design is easy on the eye and the hand. Packaged with washers for a simple, easy replacement.
Replacement hose for kitchen sink spray.
Spray head, 4 ft hose and universal coupling.
Spray head, 4 ft hose and universal coupling.
Spray head, 4 ft hose and universal coupling.
Use for kitchen sinks. Quick connect for easy installation and replacement. Includes chrome spray head and 48 in hose.
Streamline, ergonomic design is easy on the eye and the hand. Packaged with washers for a simple, easy replacement.
Moen Side Sprayer Kit, 1.81 gpm, 60 psi, Metal/Plastic, Chrome Plated, Suitable for: Moen Kitchen Faucets, Includes: Brass Adapter and Reversible Nut and Sidespray, Hose